Cuddle Service

We bring the dogs to you.

Cuddling Brings Joy To Both Animals And Humans

At just $100 an hour you can schedule a Cuddle Service at your place of business, a retirement home, a group meeting or organization, and more! We bring out three to five dogs, depending on the size of the group to be cuddled, and of course staff from the HSWC come along to help make sure everyone gets their turn at cuddling.

There are many benefits to petting a dog such as lowering your blood pressure and reducing the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, which helps with relaxation. Not only do these four-legged friends boost morale among you group, but there is the added benefit for the dogs – some get adopted!

We can also bring cats to cuddle if requested.

To schedule a Cuddle Service please call us at 940.855.4941